Recent years have been characterized by increasing geopolitical volatility, growing tensions between the USA and China, Russia’s war in Ukraine, and growing assertiveness of middle powers that have implied a transition from a unipolar to a multipolar world. Furthermore, governments face geo-strategic challenges posed by rising inflation, energy security, and climate change- which have no easy solutions. We see nations looking inwards to ameliorate their economic woes rather than relying on the forces of globalization to achieve the most efficient outcomes.
Under such circumstances, the question arises whether the era of progress through liberalized global trade and ever-increasing globalization that seemed inexorable, ended? Or is it rather that countries’ approach to “globalization” (Globalization 2.0) has evolved to incorporate more parameters, such as economic self-sufficiency? Can corporations still distinguish geopolitical risks from economic risks in their decision-making? How is the rise in protectionist and nationalist policies redefining populism? Are our supply chains resilient enough to support an inward-looking world? And more importantly, what will the geopolitical power distribution look like in 2023?
These questions have no concrete answers but a conversation on these issues is important as these changes in geopolitics and geoeconomics have significant consequences for businesses and global trade in general. Deciding the right strategy is of acute importance for both governments and corporations in order to ameliorate the risks associated with geopolitics in the coming years.
Join us for two days of insightful analyses with industry professionals on what 2023 has in store for the world!
Click here to register for the conference and peruse the agenda.
In addition to the books on display in front of Ginn's Circulation Desk, please find the following books in our collections:
Public Actors in International Investment Law - Catharine Titi, editor
Chip War: The Fight for the World's Most Critical Technology – Chris Miller
The Oxford handbook of cyber security - Paul Cornish, editor
Democracy, dictatorship, and default: urban-rural bias and economic crises across regimes - Cameron Ballard-Rosa
Financing clean energy access in sub-Saharan Africa : risk mitigation strategies and innovative financing structures - Bruno Michoud
Life after COVID-19 : the other side of crisis - Martin Parker, editor
Banks on the brink : global capital, securities markets, and the political roots of financial crises - Mark S. Copelovitch and David Andrew Singer
Political Risk and Economic Sectors: Chinese Overseas Public and Private Investment in the Developing World - Glen Biglaiser and Kelan Lu
Towards sustainable artificial intelligence : a framework to create value and understand risk - Ghislain Landry Tsafack Chetsa
The effect of political risk on currency carry trades - Nebojsa Dimic, Vitaly Orlov and Vanja Piljak
Women Politicians, Institutions, and Perceptions of Corruption - Tiffany D. Barnes and Emily Beaulieu
The Oxford handbook of international security – Alexandra Gheciu, William Curti Wohlforth, editors
Handbook on decision making. Vol 2, Risk management in decision making - Jie Lu, L. C. Jain, Guangquan Zhang
European firms and climate change 2020/2021 – Fotios Kalantzis
When Ideas Matter: Democracy and Corruption in India – Bilal Baloch
Georgian and Soviet: Entitled Nationhood and the Specter of Stalin in the Caucasus - Claire Kaiser
The Law, Economics and Politics of Retaliation in WTO dispute settlement - Chad Bown
Tectonic Politics: Global Political Risk in an Age of Transformation – Nigel Gould-Davies
Multinational Enterprise, Political Risk and Organisational Change: From Total War to Cold War – Neil Fobes, et. al.
To dare more boldly: the audacious story of political risk - John C. Hulsman
Deglobalization : ideas for a new world economy - Walden F. Bello
Will technological convergence reverse globalization? – Thomas Hammes
Pulling Together or Pulling Apart? - Nicola Brady and Susana Bayó Belenguer