Information for Alumni

Fletcher Alumni

Get involved with the Fletcher alumni community.


Register to access a select number of databases

Research Help

Alumni can contact a reference librarian for research help.

Access to Library Resources

Fletcher alumni may register for an alumni library account. This account allows alumni to borrow physical books from any Tufts library for up to 28 days and access a select number of databases. Alumni access needs to be renewed every five years. Alumni do not have access to interlibrary loan or technology resources.

Contact the Circulation Desk with questions:

  • by email:
  • by phone: 617-627-3852

Information Technology

Tufts usernames and passwords will be active for 90 days after graduation. You will receive email notifications when your account is set to expire.

For the next three months, you will continue to have access to: 

To make your transition from Fletcher easier:

  1. Register for access to a select number of databases.  Set up email forwarding via Tufts Tools and you can continue to use your address: that email will forward to a personal email address of your choice.
  2. Make arrangements to move or download any material you want to retain (from Canvas, Box, Microsoft Office 365 (o365) or your Tufts email) to your personal cloud storage or USB drive before you lose access.

Other Tufts Services


Your access to the Tufts gym will expire after 90 days. You are eligible to purchase an alumni pass.


You will always have access to the Student Information System (SIS).