Ginn Library is accepting submissions from the Fletcher community for the Perspectives Gallery. We welcome both photography and digitized two-dimensional works on paper such as illustrations, watercolor, pen and ink drawings, gouache, woodblock prints, etchings, etc. Please send in photos/art from your travels while at Fletcher, whether these occur during any of the academic breaks or during the school year.
The themes for Fall semester 2020 include:
Social Justice/Civic Engagement/Civil Resistance Movements
Racial Diversity
Pandemic Life
Cultural Heritage (food, fashion, traditions, holidays, rituals, customs, handicraft, make-up, etc)
Military Service & War
National Identities
Age (human, architectural, object, etc.)
Miscellaneous (if you have something you are eager to submit that doesn’t fit a theme, please do)
If you have photographs or works on paper that you would like to submit to the curator for consideration for the Fall 2020 semester, please adhere to the following guidelines:
Photography Submissions:
Send your submissions in the highest resolution possible (.raw file are welcome; otherwise .jpgs are fine).
·Do NOT crop your images.
·Save your images as LASTNAME.FIRSTNAME.THEME (if you are submitting multiple images please number them as well).
·List the file numbers and image titles in your email.
·Include location where each image was taken.
Artwork Submissions:
·Send a photograph and title of the work and describe the media.
·For any works on paper chosen for the gallery, please send in a scanned copy for the Gallery to be framed and mounted.
·Prints will be generated in (8x12), please send in the highest resolution as possible, minimum required resolution for this print size is at least 300 DPI.
Please email all files to your Perspectives Gallery Curator by 20 October 2020.