Databases for Government/Congressional

A major online resource for information on all aspects of Congressional work from ProQuest. Includes hearing transcripts, committee reports, bills, committee prints, the Congressional Record, the Federal Register, the Code of Federal Regulations, and public laws. (Formerly known as LexisNexis Congressional Universe)

Background information on U.S. congress, public policy, and current affairs.

Index to U.S. government documents.

U.S. policy documents, presidential directives, and national strategy documents, as well as theses and reports from various universities, organizations, and local and state agencies.

U.S. Declassified Documents Online, formerly Declassified Documents Reference System, offers access to more than 750,000 pages of government documents. Covering major policy issues from the period before the Second World War into the twenty first century, the archive serves as a convenient source for documents from government departments including Defense; State; Treasury; CIA; and the White House. USDDO supports the study of history, politics, international relations, and journalism, among other fields.

Index to government and other public documents, with some links to full text.

Legal research collection of current and historical materials, including full-text law journals and texts; Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals; U.S. laws, regulations, cases and Congressional materials; international treaties and constitutions, foreign and comparative law materials, United Nations and League of Nations publications; and Jessup moot court information.

Ginn Library/Tufts no longer subscribes to the Westlaw database for legal research.  Former Westlaw users are encouraged to contact the Ginn Research and Instruction Librarians regarding access to Lexis Advance, a database featuring largely U.S. cases, international materials, and secondary sources.