
Click 'Login' in the upper right and then 'IP Login' for full access. Please logout when done - only 3 users may access at one time. provides reliable statistics on various sectors and states in India.

Data Planet

Data Planet provides access to several thousand different national and international standardized datasets; the data can be displayed in charts, graphs, maps, and tables, as well as exported for further manipulation. Datasets cover a wide range of subjects including business, finance, banking, economics, sociology, political science, demography, agriculture, education, international studies, criminal justice, housing and construction, labor and employment, energy resources and industries, and more. Sources include public, private/commercial, and nongovernmental organizations.


**There is a new login for Connect: please enter your Tufts email and follow instructions provided. Access will be available the next day after following this procedure.** Connect / IHS Global Insight provides comprehensive economic, financial, and political coverage of countries, regions, and industries. The information and analysis covers over 200 countries and spans more than 170 industries using a unique combination of expertise, models, data, and software within a common analytical framework to support planning and decision making.

China Data Online

Current and historical data for China, including geospatial data/GIS and Census data. It provides easy access to the various statistical yearbooks published by the National Bureau of Statistics of China, comprehensive statistics, and Census data of economy and population at national, provincial, city, county, and even township levels.


AREAER Online provides direct access to the exchange rate and trade regimes data for all members of the International Monetary Fund that was used to create the yearly reports since 1999. The data can be searched across years, countries, and specific categories.