
Polling the Nation

Polling the Nations is a comprehensive collection of public opinion material from the United States and abroad. It contains the full text of some 400,000 questions and responses on 4,500 topics going back to 1986.

Gallup Analytics

Gallup Analytics provides access to trended data for the U.S. back to the 1930's and a decade of data from more than 160 countries. It includes data sources from Gallup World Poll, Gallup Daily Tracking, and Gallup Brain.

American Enterprise Institute

The American Enterprise Institute is a public policy think tank. The American Enterprise Institute database brings AEI's collection of scholarship to HeinOnline, providing access to works published by the Institute in HeinOnline's fully-searchable image-based format.Unique to this collection is the ability to search by Policy Area, a subject identifier assigned by AEI to each of their publications that organizes their works into the following areas: economics, foreign and defense policy, society and culture, health care, politics and public opinion, poverty studies, and education.