Directory information on U.S. and Canadian business, health care, and residential listings. Search by company name, geographic area, business type, SIC code, yellow page listing, revenue, location, number of employees or any combination of the above. In addition to address and phone number, each entry includes officer names and titles, corporate affiliation, business type and size of yellow page advertising. Toll free and fax numbers are given for some companies.
Alt Title
Reference solutions
Reference USA
Fletcher description
Available databases include U.S. Businesses, New Businesses. Consumers, Jobs, and Healthcare. The U.S. Business database contains a total of 50 million businesses including 15 million verified and 35 million unverified businesses that are updated weekly. Search by business name and type, executive title, sales volume, year established and more. HealthCare provides detailed information about 855,000 physicians and dentists, searchable by name, gender, state of license, medical school attended, and other criteria. Formerly ReferenceUSA
Fletcher favorite
mms id
Fletcher Subjects
Alma subjects
Social Sciences
Health Sciences
Health Services