Citation Help

Citation Tools

There are many tools available to help create and store citations, organize research, generate bibliographies and footnotes, organize PDFs, and much more.



Chicago Manual of Style Online

Fletcher does not have a specific citation format for course work, Capstones, or dissertations, but the Chicago Style is used almost exclusively. Use the Chicago Manual of Style Online for the most up to date citation rules.  For Chicago guidelines on typical formats see:  Notes & Bibliography Sample Citations and Author-Date Sample Citations.


Workshops and one-on-one training with citation styles and tools are available with the Ginn Library reference staff.

Dissertation Guide

The Fletcher Guide for Preparation of Dissertations contains formatting policies. Any questions about the guidelines should be directed to the Ginn reference staff.

Ginn Style Guide

Ginn librarians have put together an easy reference document with examples of frequently used citations using the Chicago Style. The Ginn Style Guide is not as up to date as the Chicago Manual of Style but can be used as a starting point.  For Chicago guidelines on typical formats see:  Notes & Bibliography Sample Citations and Author-Date Sample Citations.

MLA Handbook

The MLA Handbook, an online resource, explains the system of documentation and other aspects of MLA Citation formatting style.


The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation is the style manual commonly used for citing legal documents within the United States. While copies of the Bluebook are held in Ginn Library, there are also a number of web-based guides to citing content using the system.

US Government Publication Citation Guidance