Library Policies

Can I Use the Library?

For more information about who can use the library, visit our Information for Visitors page.

COVID-19 Policies

See Tufts University's current COVID guidelines.

Tufts Libraries Code of Conduct

The libraries endeavor to provide welcoming, safe, respectful, and inclusive environments for collaborative and individual study and learning. We welcome individuals locally and from all over the world to study and engage in scholarship. Our users bring with them a wide variety of professional personal, and social backgrounds; whatever these may be, we treat each other with dignity and respect.

In order to provide these environments, students, faculty, staff, and visitors who make use of Tufts libraries agree to abide by this Code of Conduct.

Reading Room Events Policy

Can I host an event in the Reading Room?

  • Approval: The Ginn Reading Room primarily serves as a student study area. Consequently, scheduling events here requires special approval from the library staff.
  • High-Demand Periods: During times of high student usage, availability of the Reading Room will be restricted.
  • Fletcher Priority: Reservations that align with the academic interests of the Fletcher community take precedence. Kindly ensure reservations are made with a minimum of three business days' notice.
  • Non-Academic Uses: We recommend that student groups seeking venues for social or other non-academic functions explore other areas on campus. Fletcher’s Office of Student Affairs can assist in this search.
  • Filming and Photography: Filming or photography requests by students and faculty in the Reading Room will undergo individual evaluation by the library staff. Aspects like the project's nature, duration of filming, room's availability, and the academic calendar play a part in this evaluation. Collaborate with library staff to reduce potential inconveniences to students.

If your Reading Room event is approved

  • Food and Beverages: Event organizers may serve food and beverages in the Reading Room, but they must coordinate cleanup with Facilities and Catering afterward.
  • Technology Needs: For technological equipment and support, connect with TTS well in advance.
  • During the Event: Your program must be contained in the Reading Room and not in other parts of the library. Study space is impacted by closing the Reading Room and we want to ensure that other spaces are available to students.
  • Post-Event Care: After events, organizers are responsible for returning the Reading Room to its original state, including repositioning furniture.